Church Repairs

The repair and improvement of our churches is a continuous process. Some recent projects we have undertaken are summarised below.Funds for these important projects have been gratefully assisted by grants from the Friends of St Barnabas and St James. Our next project will be the restoration of the organ at St Barnabas.

St Barnabas bells and interior

In the church tower the eight bells and the frame that supports them needed repairing. The tower itself is thought to date from before the Norman Conquest and is probably the best example of a Romanesque tower in Essex. Recent repairs and redecoration of the interior of the church required substantial scaffolding before repairs to plaster work, lighting and redecoration could happen.

St James the Less floor and Wall Paintings

In recent years the floor of this very special 12th century mediaeval church consisted of painted concrete. Now it has been replaced with local pamments. Extensive work has been done to reduce damage from rising damp to the important wall paintings dating from the 13th and 14th Century.

New facility

In 2018 the congregation and visitors to St Barnabas benefited from this modern convenience!

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