General Information

Up until 2019 the joint parishes of St Barnabas Great Tey and St James the Less Little Tey, shared a rector with the joint parishes of St Barnabas Chappel and All Saints Wakes Colne. Following the rector’s retirement, we do not yet have a dedicated member of the clergy to look after us. 

As you may know, there is a shortage of clergy these days and most clergy have to look after a number of rural parishes. The diocese is currently thinking how best to reorganise the parishes to make sure everyone has someone responsible for doing all the things that our rector used to do, without overloading any one clergyman or woman.

However, we continue to hold regular services in the churches of St Barnabas and St James the Less. The churches in both villages are what we might call ‘middle of the road’. Our communion services use a traditional format, although the language has been updated to make more sense for a modern congregation. In both churches we enjoy plenty of singing.

Traditional Communion Services

Our aim is to have two such services per month in one of the four churches. We have a small choir which leads the singing in St Barnabas and we hope it will be able to do that in the three other churches, augmented with members of those congregations.

In between communion services we intend to have other services led by members of the congregation at St Barnabas and St James The Less. Some especially for families, are much less formal. There is also a regular evensong in St James the Less church.

The regular pattern of services will be as follows:

1st Sunday in the Month: Wakes Colne or Chappel Morning Worship

2nd Sunday in the Month: Great Tey or Little Tey Benefice Communion 

3rd Sunday in the Month: Great Tey Morning Worship

4th Sunday in the Month: Wakes Colne or Chappel Benefice Communion, Little Tey Evensong

Please see Services for up to date information.

Special Services and church festivals

Both St Barnabas and St James The Less hold services for the major church festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest Festival. In addition, we celebrate Remembrance Sunday, Rogation Day, Mothering Sunday and more!

Pastoral Care - A spiritually caring church

There are times in life when you feel that you would like to or need to talk with someone who will listen to you with empathy, understanding and compassion in a totally non-judgemental way. Our Pastoral Care is always here to help. Read more here.

Private prayer or quiet contemplation

Our churches are open for private prayer.