Chruch News February 2024

Good to see so many of you over the Christmas period!

We were delighted to see full churches at Christmastide. Lots of hearty Christmas carol singing – so good to hear. We were particularly pleased to see so many parents, friends, and grandparents, coming with children to take part in the Christingle Celebration. Lots of candles lit in oranges and no one’s hair or eyebrows scorched!!

Services in February

4th February       10.00am Chappel - Morning Worship
11th February      10.00 am Little Tey - Benefice Communion
14th February      7.30 pm Little Tey – Ash Wednesday Compline
18th February       10.00 am Great Tey - Morning Worship
25th February      10.00 am  Chappel - Benefice Communion
6.30 pm - Little Tey – Evensong
Lent Compline Services at Little Tey -7.30 pm on Wednesday February 14th, 21st and 28th
Compline is a short contemplative service with a talk and prayers. On the 14th there will also be the imposition of ashes, as it is Ash Wednesday


We have just enjoyed the season of the Epiphany. This strange word is a direct translation from Greek epiphaneia, “manifestation”. Epiphany was traditionally celebrated on January 6th, commemorating the first ‘manifestation’ of Jesus  to the Gentiles, represented by the Magi or the Three Kings.

Many myths have grown up around the ‘Three Kings from Persian Lands’. It is worth ‘googling’ them to learn more.  They are often called ‘Magi’ The term refers to the Persian priestly caste of Zoroastrianism. As part of their religion, these priests paid particular attention to the stars and gained an international reputation for astrology, which was at that time highly regarded as a science. Their religious practices and use of astrology caused derivatives of the term Magi to be applied to the occult in general and led to the English term magic. 


Traditionally, Candlemas was celebrated on the 2nd of February and marked the time when Jesus was presented to the congregation in the Temple. It became associated with the lighting of lots of candles, because it had been prophesied that Jesus was to be the ‘Light of the World’. Many countries have traditions associated with Candlemas, including the French who used to celebrate by making pancakes.

It was also thought to be the end of the Christmas season. Durham Cathedral, for example, still doesn’t take its Christmas tree down until Candlemas.

Christmas Flowers/wreaths in the churchyard

We would be grateful if everyone who has placed wreaths on graves at Christmas would remove them in the next week or so. The exception to the guidance which discourages plastic flowers in the churchyard, makes an exception for wreaths at Christmas time, with the proviso that they will be removed once the Christmas season is over. We will be tidying up the churchyard early in February. Any wreaths still on graves by then will be put in the porch for the owners to collect. Thank you for your help.

Date of notice: 
Wednesday, 7 February 2024